Great Western Chorus of Bristol Sponsors

Great Western Chorus of Bristol is grateful for the support and sponsorship of all those people who kindly donate to the chorus.

A registered charity (no. 1116255) and non-profit Chorus, The Great Western Chorus of Bristol is self funded, with all revenue directed to the running of the Chorus.  We would very much appreciate the sponsorship of any company or individual willing to provide us with financial support, or even just to help fund a particular expense. You could sponsor anything and everything. We are always open to ideas. It could be from a piece of music, to our van, to a particular bit of stage gear for our singers, or to a show. The list and imagination is not restricted.

For full details please contact either:

Vice Chair, Peter Searle-Barnes: 07766524211,


Treasurer, Andy Balchin: 07776198000,

Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2024 Great Western Chorus of Bristol